REG NO: BEL/S/654/2007-2008


April 18,2019

A Medical Health Care Camp had been set up at Shafa Welfare Premises, Dargah, Bhendi Bazar, Belgaum on 18th April 2019 in association with Venugram Hospitals. In the camp, proper medical treatment of the people of Belgaum and nearby areas was done and remedial measures were provided, all free of cost, including the basic medicines required for an early recovery. Our Vice President Mr Sayyed Shalipasha S. Basheban Inamdar was the key person and was given the task of registering the details of the people who came for this health check-up. (List can be referred in the office) and guide them for the same. And our President Mr Sayyed Shalipasha AB Inamdar in particular, had also taken active participation in the event. The aim of the health camp was to administer Health Assessment, spread Health Awareness and provide Health Counseling specially for the unprivileged poor society.


A Blood Pressure (BP) check was performed on every patient. After that, they were sent to their respective doctors where they were appropriately diagnosed and given the right medical advises and directives regarding their health. A team of (3) male and (1) female doctor including other paramedics carefully attended. The doctors reported that majority of the people were suffering from chronic back pain, swelling, watery eyes and high/low B.P.  The day camp was commenced at 09:00 hrs. in the morning and with a lunch break of 30 minutes, ended up at 16:00 hrs. It was a great success. Once again, a passionating team work of volunteers was noticed before and during the session

This is a prime example of how the community can be served appropriately if we have a passion to serve. We need not be high- profiled citizens to help the society change. It is the willingness and enthusiasm which comes out from within that encourages you to work for the betterment of poor communities.



August/September 2019

The unprecedented flood hit by the continues and heavy rainfall over the Karnataka during monsoon 2019. This havoc led to human, livestock & livelihood losses, and property and infrastructure damages affacting thousands of people homeless & without food.


Obviously rescue and relief efforts were been undertaken by the administration, our defence forces , NGOs and civil bodies.


In this horrifying situation how Shafa could have left behind extending help and assistance to the vistims.
Apparently a call of appeal was been initiated to the public, donors and philanthropists for the noble cause of helping those victims in distress to extend helping hands by their generous donations.


The collections centers were been set up to coordinate and receive relief materials which immediately started flowing in. Food, medicines, clothing and other essentials were been collected and preparations were undertaken to pack the food (packets) and drop off arrangements were made for flood-affected people at a relief centers.

Shafa also dropped off other food and drinking materials to the areas facing acute shortage of supplies.


Among those affected were also school going children who have lost their books, shoes, uniforms etc. and are left helpless. Shafa , helped them to overcome the situation by provinding required things immediately.


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